Saturday, March 15, 2025

Social Media and the Jamaica Real Estate Market

12:36 PM Posted by Stephanie Treasure

Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Twitter, Blogging How can these impact and even more importantly help the Jamaica Real Estate business owner? The platforms listed above are part of the social media or web 2.0 stratospheres. And whether you have been paying attention or not, these are being widely used by Jamaicans. At last count, there are close to 200,000 Jamaicans on Facebook over the age of 18. Reportedly, there are 1.5 million Jamaicans on the Internet.

If social media is not currently a part of your marketing strategy, it needs to be. The Real Estate business is a lot about networking. Now with the advent of social media, the networking community has moved to the Internet too. Jamaicans are not only talking about their online social media networks, but they are quite active in it. To maintain and increase your company’s visibility, it is essential to join the conversation. Here are some basic tips to get started and expand your online network through social media:

1) Focus Choose the networks that you will be active in. If you establish 10 different profiles across as many platforms, your efforts look diluted if you are not active in ALL of them. Plus you will have a harder time keeping up with so many networks. Choose 1 or 2 maybe even three and become a pro user with them.

2) Leverage Post offline pictures from events like Seminars or sponsorship opportunities on the Social Media networks that you have chosen to become involved in. This gives you more of a spread for your sponsorship and advertising dollars. In the case of advertising, get artwork from your newspaper Ads or magazine ads and attach as a picture. This exposes your online network to your offline advertising in case they missed it.

3) Be Consistent If you have decided to start a blog and a Facebook Fan Page or Group for your company, be consistent with postings. Decide if you will update your blog once per week and make sure you update your Facebook Page with the posting as well. Exceptions of course can be made however, based on point #2 above.

4) Add value Submit content to your social media network of choice that will add value to your end user or prospect. Sure, you can use it as a form of advertising, but remember that the social media users don’t just want to be marketed to, but engaged. It’s a fine line, but try at all times before ‘posting something’ to put yourself in your prospect’s shoes and if you think it adds value, then go ahead and post it.

5) Involve your staff, sales consultants, etc. They should be a part of your Facebook page, follow you on twitter, subscribe to or follow your blog or whatever platform you choose. This shows cohesiveness to your prospects and also expands your reach as you get exposed to your staff members’ network as well.

So get started today. It’s best to manage your social media strategy through one point person or project manager in your organization. Forward moving Fortune 500 companies have even created new positions around social media like Social Media Manager and Social Media Strategist positions. However, smaller and medium size companies have found success through outsourcing. This is the most feasible option for Jamaica Real Estate Agencies and Industry related companies in the current economic climate. It is less expensive and can also be better managed this way. Some local companies and individuals are already doing this to some success. For information on how we can help, click here.

Related Link on Social Media Marketing, Internet Marketing and Newsletter Marketing


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